問候外國的朋友, 只會 How are you 嗎? 或除了 I’m fine 外,還可以怎麼回答?|外籍英文家教線上一對一

用英文問候外國的朋友,只會問 How are you? 或只會回答: I’m fine, thank you, and you? 嗎? 其他好用的打招呼:How's it going? How’s everything? What’s new? What’s up? What’s going on? What’s shaking?


問候外國的朋友, 只會 How are you 嗎? 或除了 I’m fine 外,還可以怎麼回答?

EOA 線上外籍英文家教一對一會話 | Greeting

問候外國的朋友,你還只會問 How are you? 或者外國的朋友問你最近過得怎樣,你只會回答: I’m fine, thank you, and you? 嗎?

How 開頭的問候句
How are you? →  Not too bad.
How's it going? →  Pretty good.
How’s life? →  Great!
How’s everything? →  I’m ok.
What 開頭的問候句
What’s new? →  Not much.
What’s up? →  I just finished work.
What’s going on? →  I’m going on vacation next week
What’s shaking? →  I bought an iPad!