3月 2017|外籍英文家教線上一對一

線上英文家教-外籍老師一對一會話-提升口說能力-多益雅思托福 | EOA 線上英文家教: 3月 2017

要怎麼用英文邀請國外朋友呢? 怎麼答應或拒絕邀約? Are you doing anything? | I’d love to! | Maybe another time.

EOA 線上英文家教 | 要怎麼用英文邀請國外朋友呢? 怎麼答應或拒絕邀約

想邀請國外的客戶/朋友,下班/下課時,一起私下吃個飯或是其他的活動,別再文皺皺的說 I would like to invite you…. ,我們來學一些生活上的邀約方式

  • Are you free Saturday night?
  • Are you doing anything Saturday night?
  • Do you wanna see a movie?
  • Would you like to join me for dinner?
  • I’d love to!
  • Sounds great!
  • Let me check my calendar.
  • I’d love to, but I have another commitment
  • I don’t think I can.
  • Maybe another time.

英文表達同意,除了 Yes,你還可以這樣說 | Definitely, Of course, By all means, You bet, Absolutely 是什麼意思

有沒有人跟小編一樣,每當老外問了一句話後,覺得同意,直覺的就回答 “yes” ,常常整段對話下來,就是一直重覆說 yes。除了 Yes,你還可以怎樣表達贊同?
  • Definitely
         A: Do you plan to have another baby?
         B: Oh, definitely

  • Of course
  A: Will you come with us?
         B: Of course (I will)
  • Yeah
   A: It’s a beautiful hotel!
         B: Yeah, I agree with you

  • Sure
   A: Can I borrow your camera?
         B: Sure

  • Naturally
A: Do you send a postcard?
         B: Naturally

  • By all means
  A: May I look at your newspaper?
         B: By all means
  • You bet
   A: Are you coming to the reunion
         B: You bet
  • Absolutely
A: The idea was quite brilliant
         B: Absolutely