大家來猜猜看 find your feet 和 thinking on your feet 又是什麼意思呢? 我們來學這些有關「腳」的有趣又實用的片語:
1. Have itchy feet 想換一個地方或一種生活方式
例句:‘I have been in the same job now for the past six years, I am starting to get itchy feet.
2. Take a load off your feet 坐下休息
例句:‘You look exhausted, please have my chair and take a load off your feet.’
3. Cold feet 感到緊張,膽怯
例句:‘He agreed to the deal on the phone but now he is coming over to talk to me, I hope he is not getting cold feet.’
4. Find your feet 能獨立起来,獨當一面
例句:‘He only started the new role last week so he will need some time to find his feet.’
5. Thinking on your feet 隨機應變
例句:‘It's the type of job where you really need to think on your feet