當老外跟你說 I always have itchy feet,可別以為#ItchyFeet他是說腳很癢,他是指他總是想旅行或體驗一些新事物。而get cold feet 不是指腳覺得很冷,而是指感到緊張,中國人是頭頂發麻,老外是腳底生冷 ^__^ 大家來猜猜看 find your feet 和 thinking on your feet 又是什麼意思呢? 我們來學這些有關「腳」的有趣又實用的片語:
1. Have itchy feet 想換一個地方或一種生活方式 例句:‘I have been in the same job now for the past six years, I am starting to get itchy feet.
2. Take a load off your feet 坐下休息 例句:‘You look exhausted, please have my chair and take a load off your feet.’
3. Cold feet 感到緊張,膽怯 例句:‘He agreed to the deal on the phone but now he is coming over to talk to me, I hope he is not getting cold feet.’
4. Find your feet 能獨立起来,獨當一面 例句:‘He only started the new role last week so he will need some time to find his feet.’
5. Thinking on your feet 隨機應變 例句:‘It's the type of job where you really need to think on your feet
這幾天#天氣驟降,希望大家都有準備好保暖衣物。今天的主題是#weather!!#寒流的在專業氣象報告上是 cold current, cold wave,而口語上我們是說 cold spell。spell 這裡是意指短期間。我們來看更多 cold spell 的用法: 1. We're going to have a cold spell 寒流即將來襲,動詞這裡我們是用 have a cold spell 2. The cold spell broke yesterday. 寒流昨天結束了,broke 原意是破裂,這裡引申為已經結束,或者我們可以說 The cold spell is over 3. The pond was iced over during the cold spell. 寒流期間,水塘都結冰了。如同先前說的 spell 是指期間,所以我們可以用 during the cold spell 來表示這段寒流來襲的期間。
最近最流行的話語,#94狂(#就是狂),在英文裡面,要怎麼表達相近的意思呢?! 我們可以用#kissass,kissass 有兩種不同的意思,正面的意思是 "超強的,屌爆惹,超厲害的",例如我們可以說 Jay Chou (周杰倫) kicks ass!!! I love him!! 這裡的意思很接近我們說的94狂,超強的,屌爆了。而另外一個意思就是字面上的意思啦,kick one's ass 踢屁股 = 我會給你點顏色瞧瞧, 我會給你好看! Stop doing that, or I will kick your ass! 千萬不要再說 I will give you some color see see!
老外常常說 in good shape / out of shape / starve myself / patched me up / pulled a muscle 這些你慣用語你都懂了嗎? 我們趕快來學習這些有關健康的慣用語。
1. in good shape,意指身體狀況很好。 My grandmother is 82 years old and she’s still in good shape.
2. out of shape,剛好是 in good shape 的相反,意指身體狀況不佳。 I haven’t run in months. I’m pretty out of shape.
3. starve oneself,意指節食,大部分人節食是為了減重,我們可以說 starve myself to lose weight。而 starve to death 也就是我們口語中所說的 "餓得要命~" Super models would starve themselves to maintain their skinny figure.
4. patch someone up,治療好了某人。patch 原意是指修補,醫生修補好了病人,當然就引申為治療好了某人。 Your wound is almost healed now. The doctor patched you up well.
5. pulled a muscle,意指肌肉拉傷。 I did a lot of heavy lifting yesterday. I think I pulled a muscle in my back