如何寫英文求職自傳? 著重這 4 個書寫技巧和方式就對了 | 怎樣回答外商常見面試問題 |外籍英文家教線上一對一

很多人常問英文自傳要怎麼寫? 試著回答這4個問題就能寫好求職自傳:(1) 為什麼你投入這個領域? (2) 你有什麼樣的特質或經驗可以證明你有能力勝任這類型的工作? (3) 你的短期、長期職涯目標是什麼? (4) 你能為公司帶來什麼益處? 或這類型工作能為你職涯有什麼幫助?


如何寫英文求職自傳? 著重這 4 個書寫技巧和方式就對了 | 怎樣回答外商常見面試問題

EOA 外籍線上英文家教一對一 | 英文自傳


常常看到 ptt 上 po 文求修改英文自傳,有些的自傳讓人很頭昏。試著以中文想看看,你的中文自傳會寫:「我的名字叫XXX,家裡排行老大。我畢業於 XX 大學。」這種近似國小作文?

自傳的重點在於補充履歷上沒有,但又能張顯你個人獨特之處!! 所以姓名、家庭背景、學歷、甚至在某家公司工作幾年,這些已經出現在履歷上的訊息,不需特別再重覆交待。你真正要著重的要點在於:(1) 為什麼你投入這個領域? (2) 你有什麼樣的特質或經驗可以證明你有能力勝任這類型的工作? (3) 你的短期、長期職涯目標是什麼? (4) 你能為公司帶來什麼益處? 或這類型工作能為你職涯有什麼幫助?


I worked for X years for XXX (公司), one of the leading companies in XXX (產業) industry in Taiwan (or worldwide). I supported (工作主要內容1) In my position, it was absolutely essential to (工作主要內容2)

I graduated from XX University with a Bachelor's (or Master’s)  degree in XXX. I specialized in XXX (主修或擅長學科) and also have experience with XXX (第二擅長學科). In my graduation project (or master’s thesis), I…..

第二段,回答為什麼你投入這個領域 (工作) ?
However, in the course of performing my duties, I encountered challenges….. (醞釀轉職原因) and realized that (醞釀轉職原因 2). For these reasons above, I…. (選擇這個時點,尋求怎樣的工作機會)

While studying in XX University, I (醞釀選這行業原因) and realized that (醞釀轉職選這行業原因 2). Therefore, I intend to apply my XX skills to XX industry in the role of  XX.


針對轉職者,由於各領域和職位的目標差異很大,我無法給出參考範例, 但新鮮的肝職涯短期目標的寫法不外乎:
1) My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and strength I have. I want to participate in the growth and success of the company I work for.
2) I want to see myself as a XX (職位) in XX (產業) where by with all my skills and enhanced learning I shall be able to make valuable and meaningful contribution to the company.
3) My short term goal is to become a XX (職位). I've learned the basics of XX (領域) during my 4 year studying and hence I am raring to take on challenging projects.

1) Ultimately, I’d like to assume more management responsibilities and get involved in product strategy. But most importantly, I want to work for the company where I can build a career.


1) I can contribute my ability to XXX (領域) For example, I….(過去經驗) , which led to an X% increase in XXX. I would love to bring not only this method, but my general organizational skills, to this job at the company.

2) My previous work experience included XXX (領域) in many areas, including (過去經驗1). At my previous company, I (過去經驗2). I can bring not only my ideas from my previous job, but my general passion for XXX (領域), to the company.

