"說" 的英文用包括 Say, Tell, Speech, Talk? | 秒懂四者的差別 單向或雙向溝通要用哪個動詞|外籍英文家教線上一對一

關於"說" 在英文裡對應的動詞 Say, Tell, Speech, Talk,是不是很困惑什麼場合用哪一個? Say, Tell 都是「單向」某一方對另一方報告,而 say 和 tell 最大的差別在於需不需接受詞。Speech, Talk 都是「雙向」溝通交流,而 speech 和 talk 最大的差別在是正式還是非正式的溝通


"說" 的英文用包括 Say, Tell, Speech, Talk? | 秒懂四者的差別 單向或雙向溝通要用哪個動詞

EOA 線上外籍英文家教一對一會話 | "說" 的英文用包括 Say, Tell, Speech, Talk?

在英文裡,關於「說」,對應的動詞有 Say, Tell, Speech, Talk,大家是不是很困惑什麼場合是用哪一個動詞呢?

Say, Tell 都是「單向」某一方對另一方報告
而 say 和 tell 最大的差別在於需不需接受詞
  • Say + 談話內容 (不需受詞)
    “He said he was going to be late.”
    “What did he say?”
    “When he said he was leaving, we all got really sad.”
  • Tell + 談話對象 (需受詞)
    “I told you about the party.”
    “Have you told him the news?”
    “She always tells me that.”

Speech, Talk 都是「雙向」溝通交流
而 speech 和 talk 最大的差別在是正式還是非正式的溝通
  • Speech 正式溝通
“He was speaking to his employees about the new services.”
“Did you speak to him about our new project?”
  • Talk 非正式溝通
“I need to talk to you about last night.”
“Did he talk to you about his trip?”